Tuesday, February 2, 2010

TOOOOOO many projects?


I welcome them all until one works.

That said, I write for about 15 different outlets and it's causing me severe brain drain damage.

Jen and Tonic found me - but really YOU should be finding Nemo Jen and Tonic.

Played hoop the other day and guess what?  I broke the age old rule - if you are over 30, never play with punks Under 25.  One "kid" was coming down on defense, and though I already had my man, this "kid" plowed through me and knocked all my gizzards loose.

Three days later I can barely walk.  Thanks fuckhead.

Never again, not until next week anyway.

Shit this was supposed to be a daily thing and instead I'm working on revamping Daily Mael, so now it's getting confusing.  I promise to fix all that and make it all good because even I sit down and forget where I need to be writing.

Ok, that's 4 minutes of free-form writing - two to go, add picture, POST.

I still have some UFO stuff I'll link to and of course all my vondervull Examiner, Broowaha and magazine links but you know it just takes a few minutes, days, weeks, 2010.  There is ALSO a radio show!  I really wanna have JT call in, so you fools better be listening when the day comes.  And it shall...


  1. The real question is, "Which one of us (jsm, j&t, friday) is the best kept secret in all media?".

    Between the three of us, we could start our own WITSEC franchise.

    The world is ours... it just doesn't know it... yet.


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