Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Sorry for the confusion...

But the poem will try to explain!

PLEASE, join me for a new reincarnation of DAILY MAEL, a place that became my heart n soul (2008-2009) but due to to some technical difficulties, it was killed... but I assure you, we (me) are (be) back!

J&T  - you are the only person to add me, but if you don't mind adding me over Daily Mael, it'd make me feel good.

You know what I mean...

Like that $7,000 sex doll good.

As of now - this blog is D.O.N.E.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

TOOOOOO many projects?


I welcome them all until one works.

That said, I write for about 15 different outlets and it's causing me severe brain drain damage.

Jen and Tonic found me - but really YOU should be finding Nemo Jen and Tonic.

Played hoop the other day and guess what?  I broke the age old rule - if you are over 30, never play with punks Under 25.  One "kid" was coming down on defense, and though I already had my man, this "kid" plowed through me and knocked all my gizzards loose.

Three days later I can barely walk.  Thanks fuckhead.

Never again, not until next week anyway.

Shit this was supposed to be a daily thing and instead I'm working on revamping Daily Mael, so now it's getting confusing.  I promise to fix all that and make it all good because even I sit down and forget where I need to be writing.

Ok, that's 4 minutes of free-form writing - two to go, add picture, POST.

I still have some UFO stuff I'll link to and of course all my vondervull Examiner, Broowaha and magazine links but you know it just takes a few minutes, days, weeks, 2010.  There is ALSO a radio show!  I really wanna have JT call in, so you fools better be listening when the day comes.  And it shall...

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Trying to Keep On

I'm narrowing my focus
I'm staring down the fairway
I'm taking vitamins

All the things I need to do to keep the vision in tact, I'm doing.

Today there was an Inservice at my work.  The she-boss/owner has been up to no good truth be told so it wasn't the greatest meeting. I'll save the details, but it was a crap way to start a freakin Sunday morning.

From there it got a lot better - took the dog for a hike and went to play basketball at a small park where I've spotted these two HUGE teenagers recently.  These two kids are 6'7" and 6'8" and 16 years old.  And they are out there every day practicing hoop.  I love it.  But what is kinda sucky for them is that they both SUCK really bad.  I mean they can't shoot the ball in a straight line - they are obviously growing into their bodies, so they look horribly erratic and spazzy, so what do you think happens?

All three times I've seen them out there, there is a different dude (strangers who just walk up) instructing them on how to spot up, how to position themselves, how to defend, how to rebound, how to box, how to drive the ball down low, how to do this and how to do that.... OMG.  It's really sick!  And the worst part is I know I have the key to these kids success.

Don't come to this park. 

Everyone wants to be their daddy/coach.... These kids got recruited to play at a local high school, so they are new to the area.  Everyone at the park knows them and talks about them during games like they just found the next Lou Alcindor and Bill Walton.  

Oh well - just goes with the territory being a pick-up basketball slut.

Friday, January 22, 2010

how you do ?

no time tonight for punctuation so i'm going to stream-of-mind this with little as it pertains to the rules of grammar. whats up? let's see, today was a day full o fun, fixed a template, helped a great artist friend of mine with her website-- poor old lady, in her 70s, barely knows how to email but i got her ass hooked up and now she's a pimpin' senior with a website that offers NO FLASH.

i'll link her one day.

after that it was off to work, and you know that was a blast.

walked the dog in there too and met a man who was very bitter about how california is probably doing nothing with all this rain water but "letting it all drift off into the ocean" so to not kill the water (selinization???) business. he had a cool ass dog, but still - he wouldn't stop even after i said "bye dude" a few times then had to turn my back and jump in my car. felt like i was talking to my mom.

today's photo also happens to be today's website pick of the day!

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Interaction was the cure

My latest poem, along with over 50 other articles, can be read at Broowaha!

Click here to catch a glimpse.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Great tale about David Bowie at UFO Digest...

So this was a crap day. Why wouldn't a client cancel a session if he or she is sick? It is such a bummer and so wrong. Now I have a sore throat and generally feel like crap.

The things we do for money. I'd rather have three acres of herbs growing out back. That way all the business would come to me and there would be no paperwork to follow unless you count joint rolling.

Anyway, I'm gonna make this short, I have a link to a great David Bowie story you should check out. It's not a book - a 5 to 10 minute read at most, so go for it.
Originally titled: David Bowie, UFOs, Witchcraft, Cocaine and Paranoia

This is a brilliant story written last month by Timothy Beckley, a great UFOlogist in his own right.

Keith being Keith

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